Engineering Blog

Migrating Chainguard's Serving Infrastructure to Cloud Run

Jason Hall, Principal Software Engineer

Earlier this year, Chainguard quietly migrated its serving platform from Kubernetes to Cloud Run. As far as we can tell, nobody noticed a thing – which is exactly how things like this are supposed to go! – but as an engineer involved in the project I wanted to take a minute to show off the team's work, and share a peek behind the curtain.

Chainguard on Kubernetes

From its beginning, Chainguard ran on two regional GKE clusters, serving our OIDC issuer, gRPC APIs to serve the Console UI and chainctl CLI, datastore services, the Chainguard Registry frontend, our webhook event delivery infrastructure, and a number of internal services. Since the early engineering team largely came from Google and was deeply involved with Knative from the early days, it seemed like a good fit to have a simple Knative-on-GKE stack. We built and deployed our Go services using ko apply in GitHub Actions. We used GCLB to front our public services, and used Istio to route traffic inside the cluster.

Near the end of 2023, however, the cracks were starting to show.

GKE's managed Kubernetes updates were smooth for the most part, and Knative updates weren't too toilsome, but it was more than nothing.

Each engineer working on the serving infrastructure had a dev environment to mimic prod, to develop features, which meant many largely-unused GKE clusters that each required some care and feeding, and the cost of those unused resources was becoming very noticeable.

The way we were operating Istio was too complex. Although Knative autoscaled services in response to traffic, node autoscaling was slower than we wanted, and that sometimes meant dropped requests and user-visible errors. We kept a larger pool of nodes to absorb traffic spikes, but that just meant increased costs, as we were running servers that weren't actually serving most of the time.

Our traffic patterns were – and still are – very spiky, and the spikes are largely self-induced. As we build more Chainguard Images, our image build process has become a large share of our traffic – pushing images, then pulling them to test and scan them – and we want to push and test and scan our images as quickly as we can. But in doing so, we stressed the serving infrastructure's ability to scale up quickly, and we would see errors, and so would external users. Our serving infrastructure was becoming a bottleneck, and we hate bottlenecks.

We had two clusters for reliability, but we knew that we'd want more eventually, and we knew that operating more clusters would only increase the complexity and cost.

We knew we needed to do better.

Chainguard on Cloud Run

In December 2023, at an engineering summit in Phoenix, the team decided to migrate off of Kubernetes, and on to Cloud Run. This was a natural fit for us, since Cloud Run adheres to the same container contract as Knative, and basically offers a cluster-less experience for Knative services.

In early load tests, Cloud Run scale-ups were shown to be faster and more reliable than our GKE infrastructure. Some basic prototyping showed that we could relatively easily bring up our core services (OIDC, datastore, API and registry) on Cloud Run using the exact same code we used to deploy to Knative on GKE.

We started rewriting our Knative Service YAML configs in Terraform, using the ko Terraform provider to build our images instead of the ko CLI. From there it was off to the races.

The Power of Abstraction

While scaffolding the initial prototype on Cloud Run, we quickly realized that there were common patterns we wanted to codify and reuse.

We wanted to support a global footprint, and ensure that internal traffic didn't leave our VPC. We built a simple networking module to codify this, which acts as the foundation for the rest of our services, along with the module to configure GCLB. This module is also responsible for DNS records, and makes it easy to manage subdomains that route to public services.

Cloud Run offers regional services, but didn't offer multi-regional services, so we built the equivalent of a multi-regional Cloud Run Go service and encapsulated it in a Terraform module. In our module, services are private by default, and have to be explicitly allowed to send traffic out of the VPC to the public internet. Services can be configured to receive traffic directly from the internet, but in practice they're either private internal services, or only accept traffic from our global GCLB via a DNS subdomain. Today we run services in three regions, but adding a fourth, fifth, or sixth should be trivial for stateless services.

Services are automatically configured with an Open Telemetry sidecar container to export metrics and traces to GCP, and are run with a Service Account with minimal permissions by default. Services that need to talk to other services can be easily authorized to do so explicitly, and services that need to touch GCP resources (Cloud SQL, KMS, Secrets, etc.) must be authorized explicitly as well.

A number of our internal services were based on Knative Eventing, which offered a great platform for triggering asynchronous work, where workers could scale up and down with requests. We built a Terraform module to encapsulate the same concepts based on Cloud Pub/Sub, and multi-regional services could subscribe to particular events. This model also encapsulates authorization to publish and subscribe, so that only services explicitly allowed to publish events were authorized to do so.

We have a module that encapsulates subscribing to a feed of events and recording those events into BigQuery, with authorization checks to ensure that only that module's components can write to those BigQuery tables. This lets us easily keep track of events flowing through the system, build dashboards, and even replay events if needed.

With those basic building blocks in place, we built up a second serving stack of all of our multi-regional Cloud Run services, and slowly shifted traffic to it, until the GKE stack was unused and could be decommissioned. In April, we pulled the plug, and there was much celebration.

Development environments in this model were also made a lot simpler. When a stack isn't receiving traffic – as most developer environments aren't most of the time – services scale to zero and cost nothing. There's no cluster or Knative controllers to update. Even our dev environments are globally available, because why not?

But we weren't done!

To help us observe all these relatively homogeneous global services, we built Terraform modules to make building GCP dashboards easier, and encapsulated some standard dashboards for multi-regional services and internal event receiver services, with built-in alerts for common errors. This has been a huge benefit to our observability, since any new metric or alert we add to the dashboard for one service gets added to every service's dashboard by default. Now there's no excuse not to have great monitoring for every service.

We're heavy users of GitHub, for both the Wolfi distro and our Chainguard Images product. As we built more and more automation around PRs and workflows for these repositories, we naturally folded that into our Terraform modules as well. There's a module that forwards GitHub webhook events into our Pub/Sub eventing system, and event recorder, allowing us to easily monitor and record GitHub events in all our repos. We even built a simple GitHub bot SDK that encapsulates both the Terraform needed to bring up an event receiver, and a small Go framework to make it easier to write receiver bots. We now have dozens of bots running on our repos, checking for errors, suggesting fixes, and ensuring our packages are always up-to-date and CVE-free.

There's also Terraform modules for probers, and cron jobs, and secrets, and even a module for handling workqueue items, heavily inspired by Kubernetes controllers' workqueue infrastructure.

Migrating to this pattern has given us lots of benefits. It's helped us standardize our security best practices, and optimize our observability and monitoring. When an engineer goes to start a new project, they don't have to think about how to build the services, they just create a new regional-go-service, hook it up to GCLB or the event broker, and they can get to work quickly.

The Terraform modules we've built are shared as an open source example of how we've built our serving infrastructure over the last year (its first birthday is today, December 10th!). However, we don't intend to operate that codebase as a community project – pull requests from external contributors are unlikely to get merged, especially if they add features we don't need, or compromise stability or security. You're more than welcome to fork the repo and use it however you want. Let us know how it goes!

I hope this has been a fun peek into how we deliver our production services at Chainguard. If this sort of thing interests you, I should mention that we're planning to grow our engineering team, and are looking for folks who read and get excited by blog posts like this. If you'd like to learn more, and maybe even get paid to learn more, I encourage you to reach out. 2024 was a very interesting year for our serving infrastructure, and 2025 is shaping up to be even more interesting!


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